Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blasted nuts!!!!!!!!

Nuts are my arch nemesis...I cannot resist them..ok..I COULD..I just don't. I throw them in the trash, then go buy more, knowing full well that I'll end up eating 6-8 oz in a sitting..grrrr

I've not been eating well lately. Started out with sandwiches and soup and bread..more bread..lots of frapachianos, nuts..then went on a little road trip with my parents..cheesecake, bread, lots of fat, nuts, step on the scale Monday morning..bam...158#!!!

This has GOT to stop!!!!! Finally started reining myself in and kept track of calories...when I don't, I let way too much sneak in!


1: whey post cardio
2: brown rice tortilla, chicken, broccoli, fish oils
3: chicken, broccoli, apple, fish oils
4: chicken, lettuce, broccoli, olive oil
5: egg whites, onions, lettuce, low fat cheese
6: whey, blueberries, greek yogurt

1650 calories

ACTIVITY: 1 hr. total walking

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